Tuesday, March 26, 2024

How I am doing now

 I want to thank everyone for the many expressions of support, loving kindness, and concern for me since the passing of my wife Sara Slager last Saturday. These mean a lot to me and help me in my journey. For the record, I am doing better than expected, considering the situation. I know that Sara was concerned about me and my reaction to her passing and that this weighed on her in her last days. I hope that she can see what is happening and gets some relief. I hope that all of you feel some relief.

Thanks again to all of you who responded.

All my love,

David E. Anderson

Friday, March 22, 2024

RIP Sara Slager, love of my life

 It is 1AM in Santa Rosa now. The love of my life, Sara, has passed away. Sara was my soulmate and will remain special in my heart forever. During the year since she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, we grew closer than we had ever imagined possible. Our gratitude for this is enormous. Your love and support as members of her community of family and friends has made a large impact on this journey, so Sara and I thank you with all our hearts. I feel her presence and love holding me now as I write this. I am the luckiest man in the world to have shared these twenty two years with you, Sara. I owe you everything and more, as my greatest teacher. May your journey go well.

All my love,

